

Friday, 26 January 2024

Capturing Precious Moments

January Blog

Even though it is already the end of January, I still want to wish you a year full of creative adventure and lots of happy times with loved ones because the older you get, the more you realize how important artistic expression, relationships, and connection are for your well-being.

I spent the last days of 2023 and most of January in Germany. The trip was not for sightseeing but for nurturing relationships and especially spending time with my aging parents. During that time, I also visited some school friends. I am always amazed that we connect instantly - as if we just met days ago instead of months or sometimes years ago. 



Aside from the highlights of seeing people close to me, I had a special visit to my 92-year-old former art teacher, Inge Besgen (, who shared many stories from her life. It was a fascinating afternoon!

The days without a work schedule allowed me to draw, paint or felt every day, which made it easy to succeed during my challenge to create art every day. Being on vacation allowed me to take my time, and I enjoyed capturing things I appreciated or saw that day. The subjects varied from fellow travellers, Christmas decorations, first spring flowers, family and pets, and some of my favourite foods. 


A visit to the exhibition Grünzeug - Plants on Paper at the Hessische Landesmuseum in Darmstadt  inspired me to the image of the iris with the butterfly (see at top, from old reference photos).  



Seeing photographs from the extensive collection of Frida Kahlo in the Opelvillen in Rüsselsheim gave a fantastic view of her difficult life and that of her family. I had no idea that her father was German. I created a drawing of Frida in clothes I would pick for her.


I created most images with watercolour pencils or pencils on regular paper in a notebook with alternating lined and blank pages, perfect for creating art while traveling. My focus was to capture something I experienced or saw every day because I see my life through my art, which helps me remember precious moments.

I also participated in the Inspire Beyond Belief event, organized by M. Shannon Hernandez and Amy Hager, which encouraged me to think about what I want to achieve this year. Being a visual person, I drew images of my goals and Shannon.

How is your creative year going so far? Have you started a new project, continued work on a project from last year, or are you still procrastinating, waiting for inspiration? If needle felting is on your list of activities to attempt, I invite you to my winter workshop, Cabin in The Woods. The registration deadline is January 28, 2024.

I will publish my next blog on February 23 with an update on my creative activity. In the meantime, I would love to get to know you better. Let’s connect for a virtual coffee chat.

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