

Friday, 10 March 2023

You Have a Choice

Blog 11

Last week, I was disappointed and frustrated. A course I looked forward to sharing didn’t run because nobody signed up. I was questioning my path and how and if I should continue with my business.

image provided by M. Shannon Hernandez

Fortunately, the book Practical Joy by my coach M. Shannon Hernandez had only arrived days earlier. It is an easy read at less than 100 pages, but don’t let that fool you. There is a lot of information, exploration and inspiration on these pages.

Her three key points of making joy a choice are easy to remember:

1. Your joy is a daily practice.
2. Your joy is contagious.
3. Your joy is limitless.
(page 84)

M. Shannon points out “that you have zero time to waste on things, people, relationships, and experiences that aren’t bringing you joy!” (page 12)

Each chapter contains her observations, suggestions for reflections, space to note your thoughts and a colouring page to get quiet and meditative.
It was interesting to read that the author thanked two creative instructors for helping her to “heal so many years of wounds and blocks around creativity,...” (page 97) They guided and supported her to rediscover and nurture her creative voice.

While M. Shannon talks about joy, her three key points are relevant to my mission to help you find and nurture your creativity. Being creative is a choice. Others might encourage or discourage you. However, your creative expression is foremost for yourself. You might decide to share it with others to inspire them to discover their voice, but first, you have to find yours.

“True joy will be yours when you find the courage to pull the weeds of achievement, never-ending to-do lists, and mediocre living.” (page 31)

Whenever I doubt my mission, I remember the joy art brings to my life. It has been there for me in good and challenging times. I want you to experience the same. Join me for a coffee date to see how I can support your journey. 


P.S. I continued my daily art projects. This week, I drew many people, which I will not share, to respect their privacy. The image of the lovely young woman in the collage is my daughter Christine, who turned 22 this week.



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